this morning I watch a National Geographic Junior about wave power plant. I originally confused, that the waves can be contrived emang what? emang just because naek down talaga could produce electricity that? then how to do?
after watching a movie about 30-1 hour duration, so anyway I finally know how
the film tells the location in Ireland. seaside carnival cars so the story there is shortage of electricity, but the area there is no power source. then there are 2 people technician so, he made a simple PLTO, using a large pipe, generators, and a fan to generate electricity.
for large scale can be read the following articles:
Wave Power Plant
Potential of renewable energy to electrical energy needs
Indonesia has the second longest coastline after Norway. Unfortunately, the existing energy potential beach not been widely used. this makes the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) moved to develop and utilize renewable energy potential, in the form of wind, omba and solar energy to electrical energy needs.
The model in Parang Racuk dikembnagkan Technopark to answer the challenge, we opened the scientists from various fields in Indonesia, take advantage of the region according to their interests, this is the first in Indonesia, said the head of BPPT Said D Jenie told National Journal in Yogyakarta, on Friday (22 / 6)
In an area of 12 hectares along the coast that there was now present some of the renewable electricity generation technology that is Oscillating Water Column (OWC) with development costs Rp2, 5 billion that converts electrical energy menjaaadi wave energy. In addition it has also installed wind power generation (wind) in the form of windmills and solar cell panels to process the electrical energy from the sun.
In the early stages of the model was developed based fix, to a floating base in the waters. gradually pwemhembangan project will be continued utilization of environmentally friendly alternative energy, "says Said continued.
Energy CrossesCompleting the electrical energy storage faasilitas generated from wave power, wind and srya also provided automatic load-based control system with a capacity of 3599 kW DC.
Energy system crosses (hybrid) that has been tested and optimized to work with, although very teergantung energy supply from natural conditions ie presence or absence of waves or wind energy sources pembnagkit sufficient for electricity.
Load control system is required after a conversion before the electricity used by consumers, said Dr. Gani Erzi Agson Meng, Head of Division of Machine Tools, Engineering, Production and Automation (MEPPO) BPPT.
Since 2005 there have been efforts to use renewable energy such as waves, wind and solar energy captured solar panels to comply with electrical energy needs. Although results are still limited, because it requires further development technologies mentioned are suitable for power supplies in remote areas or resources sbagai part daari navigation beacon.
Beyond that, it can also be a tour of energy technology and research from academia and other R & D institutions. It's become a potential source of clean energy in the future, said Erzi.
For the people of Gunung Kidul, the presence of technology parks that use the land Sultan (Aultan Ground) tentuÃ, just make a distinct advantage. If until now only rely on coastal tourism, the future development of the technology is clearly going to provoke the presence of a new engineering that can utilize natural potnsi in coastal areas.
Guning Kidul was already known as a dry natural conditions, the edge has the resources alan on the coast that have not been developed. The presence of tebarukan energy technology to help development in coastal areas, said Regent Gunungkidul Suharto, SH.
At least with the presence of renewable energy technologies can be exploited for electrical energy needs in the region during this difficult to reach commercial power with economy and efficiency reasons.
We have the natural potential of course, it was moved at a fairly severe conditions for the effort to invite investors. If there is technology that helps clear entry wrga energy needs, said Suharto.
Air Pressure EffectWave energy is energy generated alterbatif through the effects of air pressure oscillation (pumping-effect) in the banunan chamber (geometry column) due to fluctuations in the movement of waves into the chamber.
In this regard on June 22, 2007 in Yogyakarta, has been inaugurated Racuk Parang Parang Technopark racuk through PLTO Operational Test (Power Plant Waves) on Konsi Water Place by Kepla BPPT Said D Jenie.
The event was attended by Principal Secretary, Deputy TIRBR, Deputy TPSA, Deputy TAB, Echelon II and Echelon Setama environments I, II, III in TIRBR environment, and Regent of Gunung Kidul, Senior Advisor and Head of BPPT BPDP leaders and researchers from Yogyakarta.
The purpose of this activity is to provide a good model that the availability of alternative sources of energy sources are abundant in the coastal waters of Indonesia.
package models will show the resulting level of energy efficiency and minimal parameters hiroosenografi decent, both technically and economically for energy conversion.
The survey results in the territorial waters of Parang hidroosenografi Racuk shows, the system will be able to generate optimal power if placed before the wave breaks or at a depth of 4 m-11 m.
In this condition will be achieved between 3000-700 rpm spin turbines. Position II prototype OWC (Oscillating Wave Column) still have not reached the minimum diisyaraatkan, because mechanical equipment operational difficulties. The ideal position would be achieved through the development of prototype III of the form of floating OWC system.
Especially for wind energy pengembnagan, BPPT tehadap reviewed the types of wind energy conversion efficient and appropriate applied in Indonesia according to their purposes: mechanical or electrical.
This activity started in 2005 and produces Pengandali-Based Systems with a capacity of 3500 KW DC.
These systems have been installed in the Baron Energy park-BPPT and Parang Racuk ready to be tested (OT & E) along the mengemangkan LAGG UPT wind turbine and the developing BPDP OWC system.
with a capital fee that is much smaller than the steam power plant, and a very high success rate, I should think this needs to be socialized into the community, particularly the seafront area, to build this PLTO
time watch on TV, I estimate their capital only about 500 thousand - 1 million, he can feed electricity to 1 car carnival, which is equivalent to a simple house.__________________I live in the world of binary and hexadecimalThe World That can not be touch, and can not be smell. It's just like hot, cold, light and darkness. You know it exists, but you can not PROVE itThe following is one of an article in 2006 about the fact the waves in Indonesia .. :
Quote:Power plant turbine ocean currents are ocean currents that will convert the kinetic energy of ocean currents into electrical energy which is exactly the same principle works with wind turbines. Indonesian marine store raw materials for renewable energy. The potential level of technology currently estimated to convert per meter length of the beach into the power of 20-35 kW. (Long coast of Indonesia about 80,000 km, consisting of about 17,000 islands, and about 9,000 small islands that are not affordable electric current National and the inhabitants live off the sea). With an estimated potential of that kind, all beaches in Indonesia can produce more than 2 ~ 3 Ekwivalensi Terra Watt of electricity, even no more than 1% of the long coast of Indonesia (~ 800 km) to supply a minimum of ~ 16 GWatt or equal to the entire electricity supply in Indonesia this year. But in technology, power generation ocean currents have not been developed and mastered, explains Dr. Erwandi.
Currently, BPPT has been exploring the best use of the technology wave with OWC (Oscillating Water Collumn). Waves coming and going to the beach was arrested for a turbine that was built on the lips monitored to generate electricity. Development trials OWC (Indonesia), type Kobold (Italy) and Gorlov (Norway). While this has created a prototype ocean current power generation "Kobold" which is technologically not produce carbon emissions and can be placed in the vicinity of ~ 50 m from the coastline at a depth of ~ 15 m with a minimum of 1.5 mpd ocean currents., Continued Erwandi.
According to Drs. Irwan Bahar, steps taken by the government to anticipate shortages / energy crisis in Indonesia, among others, through Law no. 3 / 2005, No Candy. 7 / 2005 and National Energy Management Blueprint, National Strategic Development of Science and Technology Policy, National Policy on Exploitation of the Sea stresses energy sustainability through the creation and utilization of renewable energy sources.
At Blue Print Energy Management 2020, among others, explains that in 2020, is expected about 90% of all households have terlistriki; and every year, the addition of 450 MW / year, as well as 5% of electricity will be met by electricity from renewable energy sources.
Dr. Erwandi added, in the presence of sea current power plant, many advantages gained by the public, especially fishermen who settled in the area of small islands. They can maintain the quality of fish catches when there is a refrigerator, and children will be able to learn well, if there is electric lighting. It also can remove the subsidy of about Rp 1.5 trillion per year with a base price of diesel to Rp 4,500, - per liter for fishermen. Thus the local government will be helped in alleviating the rural poor left behind in these small islands.